Collaborative Scheduling Done Right

Rallly lets you and your friends vote on a date to host an event


Rallly makes collaborating with friends quick and easy


Create a page for your upcoming event and share it with your friends.


Discuss details of the event with your friends right on the event page.


Let everyone know which dates best work for you and find a common date to host your event.


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I invite additional people to an event?

Anyone with a link to an event can participate in it. You can copy the URL of the event from your browser's address bar.

How I do create a poll with time slots?

This is not possible at the moment, Sorry!

Is my data safe?

Yes. All data is stored in a secure database and is never used for any commercial purposes.

Is it free?

Yes, Rallly is completely free to use.

This is great, is there anything I can do to help out?

Yes! Rallly is open source, so you can contribute to the project on GitHub.

Where can I submit a feature request?

You can either create a new issue on GitHub or send an email to


21 Events Created